MS: AG Fitch Continues to Fight ALI Proposal to Weaken Laws on Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, and Sex Offender Registration

Source: 3/2/22

Attorney General Lynn Fitch this week wrote The American Law Institute (ALI) to ask its members to again defer consideration of proposed revisions to Section 213 of the Model Penal Code (MPC) that would weaken the ability of States to prosecute sexual assault, abuse, and exploitation; human trafficking; and sex offender registration.

“Laws against child exploitation, human trafficking, and sexual assault need to be tough to protect the young and vulnerable from predators,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “The ALI is weakening the laws, just when we should be making them stronger. It is a big step backwards, and I will continue to fight to protect victims of these crimes and to ensure citizens are safe from predators.”

On December 9, 2021, General Fitch led a bipartisan coalition of 37 Attorneys General in a letter challenging the proposed revisions. As the Attorneys General wrote then, “The revisions contemplated fail to treat sex predators appropriately and would provide them more freedom to commit these heinous crimes, putting the citizens we represent at greater risk of becoming victims.” As a result, the ALI deferred its planned consideration of these MPC revisions at its January meeting.

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The AG’s opening statement asserts that the proposed MPC would “weaken the ability of States to prosecute” various sex crimes. However, only one of the six bullet points in the article pertains to actual crimes with victims. That involves predicate acts for sex trafficking. The other five have to do with registration, as if registration somehow prevents sex crimes.

This bit of disinformation is typical of law enforcement, and is blatant in the original letter from the attorney’s general to the American Law Institute (ALI). Registration is loved by law enforcement because so little work, e.g. evidence gathering, is needed to keep up their conviction statistics (read promotion points). A mere failure to adhere to even the most trivial and arcane registration rule is enough. There is usually not even a requirement to demonstrate intent.


Death Penalty is allowed in some states but that doesn’t deter murder. Having an ankle monitor doesn’t stop crime but people believe that too. People are going to commit crimes no matter what the punishment is. SMH

She has no clue. ALI does not make laws, but advises on them (and should know that considering what she does with ALI). She also does not seem to understand the “science” behind everything…or blatantly does not want to when it comes to the new positions.

This whole thing is just going to be a decades-long tug-o-war in the courts. Voters are easy to manipulate and deceive by using fear and hate.The registry will remain “popular” so long as the general public remains willfully ignorant.

Ms Fitch,

Does the registry prevent further or new sexual offenses?

Because it’s still growing. Curious.

-A concerned citizen

Heh. Pretty pathetic given the fact that the registries increase recidivism.

I’m so sick of this damn crap. It’s a wonder I haven’t drop kicked this tablet. I still might!!!

Let’s remind her and everyone else who thinks so that no after the fact measures will ever prevent new crimes from being committed in the future especially by new people. The reality is if someone truly wants something they will figure out a way to get it or die trying. Luckily a tiny fraction of the world population would go to such lengths, but these people do exist.

True crime prevention isn’t a law enforcement or court involved process, it’s a cultural and social process that targets root causes for factors and circumstances which can eventually lead to illegal conduct. In counseling it was about “no more victims”, well the best assurance to achieve as close to that goal as possible is making sure neither perpetrators or victims have an opportunity to be created in the first place. Obviously no singular approach works for each problem and it would be foolish to believe every problem will completely disappear, but a world that needs a smaller “justice” system certainly should be worth pursuing.

Anyone have a copy of the new revisions?

Smells like an election season

Despite the complaints voiced by this AG, it is reported that the ALI Council approved some but not all of the revised model penal code approved by ALI members last year. We will post details of what was approved as soon as they are available.

The whole point of ALI’s revisions is that the current way not only doesn’t do anything per empirical evidence, but it actually drives costs and crime. But Fitch and others keep arguing “the Earth is flat” because that’s what logically makes sense. And probably more importantly, that’s what their constituents expects. These AGs are trash and ALI are cowards.

So, as usual, this AG and her followers wish to continue punishing those who have already been punished while (again, as usual) DOING NOTHING TO PREVENT the vast majority of future offenses that will be committed by individuals NOT listed on any Registry.
Isn’t the public getting tired of being fed the same ol’ horse-💩??

Please explain how her letter to ALI has any real effect upon US Congressional bill making. It is Congress that actually makes law, and not ALI. Or is ALI so powerful that Congress must listen? Obviously MI’s Congress simply subverted the ruling of 3 fed court cases, meaning they scoffed at federal judicial authority. What is it that makes her think the letter effort can make a difference. Surely, the US Congress could outright reject the ALI proposed changes by their own volition.

The AG argues these changes move US law away from international practices, but that’s literally the opposite of what the MPC changes do! Maybe there’s a specific trafficking law she’s referring to, but literally ZERO countries aside from the US have public registries or lifelong registration, and very few countries have registries at all! The American registry is an international anomaly and the ALI’s proposed MPC changes are an attempt to restore sanity!

Lynn Fitch, along with the virtual entire justice system in Mississippi, is a lawless, unconstitutional black hole for their citizens. Anything goes, with the exception of a few decent judges that are drowned out by those who could care less about upholding and defending the constitution. They’ll do whatever it takes, including high court justices, attorney generals, local judges and sheriffs, to get re-elected. That is their only prime directive. Their registry also employs the tactic of keeping citizens that have long since moved away along with the deceased on their lists. Of course there is no legislation that provides Fitch and her henchmen to desecrate the dead. They do it anyway. I’ve seen it.

It’s like another country where you need a passport to enter. Beware, the principles of magna carta, habeus corpus and all other basic individual freedoms are just a theory.

Notice how the news source lumped a series of negative components along with those that aren’t harmful or non-harmful either way: It’s sexual assault and trafficking along with Sex Offender Registration. Common citizens who are nescient (or simply ignorant) of Sex Registrants will read this and, as always, will be white-washed into thinking that treating them “tougher” and harsher is somehow “[protecting] children”.

Those subjected to Sex Offender Registration” includes so many humanly innocent people, including

  • – Those convicted as older teens having sex with consenting younger teens
  • – Those who couldn’t find a bathroom, except for a closeby tree
  • – Adults who were initiated by the underage teen, and were stupid enough to say yes to it

Also, notice its use of the word, “weakening”, to describe the revisions of law.

Last edited 2 years ago by AC

I have to wonder if the great legal minds of the ALI would ever reply to the lies that are consistently repeated with the actual facts, truth and constitutionality that their original Model was based on, Or are they going to bow to the legal bureaucracy (aka Legal Industrial Complex)?

who keeps people safe from predators like the AG who have perfected the art of grooming the public with their lies.

15 years ago, my associate wrote a parody website on how sex offender regulations should be tied up in a Constitutional amendment. This was back before MySpace collapsed to Facebook, the Internet was in its earlier years. The site’s two pages are located at these two links:

For a trip to see how frightening we’ve advanced, some of the predictions have even been superceded. How little society changes.